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Our Services

Dental Hygiene & Prevention in Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire


The dental hygienists at Dental Excellence are available to help maintain and improve the overall health and hygiene of our patient’s teeth and oral care.

At Dental Excellence, patients are encouraged to improve the care of their teeth and oral health at home. As part of this journey, we recommend that our patients see dental hygienists on a regular basis. They are highly trained to provide tailored oral health care advice and start you on your path to preventative care.

A dental hygiene appointment at Dental Excellence will involve an examination of the teeth and gums – to assess for the presence of gum disease and to measure the current oral hygiene regimen.
Gum disease is a fairly common occurrence and is the leading cause of tooth loss. It has also been linked to other health issues such as heart disease and diabetes. It is ,however, very easy to prevent and treat, especially with regular visits to the hygienist. Our trained hygienists can help build a bespoke, at-home care routine that is designed around each patient’s healthcare needs.

As part of your hygiene visit, you will receive a thorough cleaning of accumulated plaque and tartar on your teeth using the most suitable technique for each patient.
Patients can also receive Airflow Tooth Polishing during hygiene visits to gently and effectively remove plaque, tartar, and superficial staining.

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Airflow Tooth polishing

At Dental Excellence, our dentists, dental hygienists, and patients alike all love Airflow Tooth Polishing.
This highly effective Airflow tooth polishing treatment can help remove the build-up of plaque and staining. This helps to prevent further issues such as gum disease from developing. This makes airflow a highly effective method of brightening your smile and leaving the teeth feeling cleaner and fresher than ever.

Better yet, Airflow is so gentle it can be used on even the most sensitive of teeth. It also works well on teeth with restorations and patients with orthodontic appliances in place. It uses a unique formulation of a controlled jet of air, water, and sodium bicarbonate which works gently and effectively. While Dental Excellence’s highly trained hygienists ensure patients are comfortable throughout.

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Teeth Whitening Treatments

Learn more about our teeth whitening service.

Children’s Dentistry

At Dental Excellence, preventive dental care is the cornerstone of our philosophy, especially when it comes to children’s dentistry.
Dental Excellence knows just how important it is to start treating and caring for children’s teeth and oral health as early as possible. Parents are advised to bring their children into the practice from a young age – preferably when their first tooth erupts.

Starting their dental care from such an early age can help prevent future issues from arising. And helps us keep an eye on how their teeth and oral health are progressing. It’s also important to get children used to visiting the dentist to try and avoid any phobias or anxieties about the dentist from developing. It should also help instil good, healthy habits for years to come.

The bedrock of Dental Excellence’s children’s dentistry is regular check-ups. Our team may also recommend further treatment should it be necessary. This could include fluoride applications to help prevent decay from developing, as well as fissure sealants. Our dentists will also be able to see how the child’s teeth are developing and advise treatment if necessary.

Price List

Start now with your free consultation, we are always available to help you solve your problems.